CMS, Proposed ACO Regulations and a Post-Acute Analysis

Late last week, CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) issued the proposed regulations for Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). As is typical with CMS and all things PPACA related, the document is nearly 500 pages. I have read and begun to digest (creating of course, indigestion) the entirety of the document. As I have prepared copious notes and questions more than answers, it will take me another day or so to formulate a coherent analysis, particularly as the information pertains to post-acute providers. Given my workload at the moment, I will endeavor to have a post up by Friday at the latest.

Hearing also from lots of sources continued questions on RUGs IV, questions regarding new hospice requirements, and of course, questions regarding the latest budget release from House Republicans and implications for Medicare, Medicaid, and the PPACA, I have more than a bunch to sift through and ultimately, post thoughts on and hopefully, some guidance. Suffice to say, these are interesting times for health care providers and the sands are shifting constantly. A significant shift toward a faster death for the PPACA will undoubtedly reform what we “think” we know today about ACOs, Medicaid and even Medicare. Stay tuned and feel free as many of you do, to drop me a note regarding a topic, your insights, or a question that I may be able to answer or steer you to an answer/resource.

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