Absent a bit, I’ve been. COVID, a crazy health care landscape, new work, new engagements, tons happening and happened. Suffice to say though, the content is coming back.
There are a few updates to this site. All (almost) of the old content remains. Browse as you wish. While over time, some content has become a bit dated or even irrelevant, lots hasn’t. The benefit of having kind of an archive is that those that do research, have a place to land. Everything on the site is free to copy, download, etc., – at least for now.
All of my presentations via Power Point are on a new page called “presentations”. These were all from various conferences and webinars. New ones will pop-in, and I will alert readers of the new content. As with all of the posts and content, the presentations can be viewed and downloaded.
What’s next? New content for sure and also, a likely site update and maybe even a conversion to a more web-oriented page. The site address, however, will remain the same – rhislop3.com.
As always, I hope readers continue to enjoy the site, and please, feel free to recommend it to your friends and colleagues. The more the merrier!