Reg's Blog

Post-Acute, Senior Healthcare, and General Healthcare Issues

Friday Feature: Housekeeping

TGIF! Time for a bit of housekeeping. This site’s first post was on March 27, 2009. Today, there are nearly 500 posts on the site, separate from other stuff like presentations, downloads, etc. Across the fifteen years I have worked on the site, posting, etc., I can’t even begin to measure how many views or hits the site has had. Suffice to say, lots. Readers and followers come from all over the world, as far away as China and Japan, and as close to home as Canada. Not always sure what brings folks here from those far places, but I hope they find a nugget or two worthy of their time (and virtual travel).

I had some fun today, for just a few minutes, looking back at the posts from the early days. Fascinating how some things have changed yet, lots hasn’t. Topically, I am covering a lot of the same issues around Medicare, Medicaid, economics, and government policy. The numbers today are bigger with respect to the economics and the policy a bit more contrived but still, healthcare remains totally fascinating to me. I doubt I will ever run short of subject matter.

So, for the next few days to perhaps as long as a week, I will not be posting on the site as it is time to clean out and reorganize this “closet”. It may actually go down for a day or two and when it pops back-up, it may look a bit different and have some new stuff, but the content will be there. I may introduce an archive for the older stuff…who knows. After fifteen years and nearly 500 articles/posts, the time has come to clean-up and refresh and maybe reinvigorate, Reg’s Blog! TGIF and SYOTOS (see you on the other side).

April 26, 2024 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment