American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act – HR 4213

Funny title that is rather misleading given the gravity of the health care/post-acute care provisions that are included in this bill.  As is the case in Washington, especially these days, important health care provisions not addressed in the PPACA are coming forward in other bills; particularly bills involving unemployment benefits and COBRA benefits, etc.  Such is … Read more

Part B Therapy Cuts Delayed to June 1

As a follow-up to a post from last week regarding pending cuts in Part B therapy rates, last evening the House passed a bill that the Senate had passed earlier in the day, included within is a provision to delay the pending cuts to the physician fee schedule until June 1.  The provision is tucked … Read more

Part B Therapy Rate Reductions Return

With Congress on recess, the temporary extension of the Part B therapy rate cuts ended on March 31.  As of today, with Congress still on “holiday”, the Part B therapy rate cuts remain in effect.  Best knowledge has it that Congress is working on another temporary extension that would retro to April 1 and last through April 30.  … Read more