On August 20th, I will be conducting a webinar for HcPro on the CMS proposed rule to overhaul the existing federal Conditions of Participation for SNFs. Of a current 366 sections with the Code, CMS is proposing to change 212 sections. This is the most sweeping overhaul of the federal code for SNFs since OBRA and PPS back in the late 80s and early 90s.
In this webinar, I will cover the following:
1. What the new rule includes, why the rule was proposed and what is likely to survive.
2. How to begin planning now for the salient “change” elements that will be embedded in the final rule.
3. Where the compliance risks are and how to mitigate them – starting now.
4. Where to source some best practice information that will help with getting ahead of the requirements as they emerge.
For more information and how to sign up for the August 2oth event, follow the link below.
As always, reach out with questions via a post on this site or to hislop3@msn.com.