CMS Releases Rule on SNF Staffing Mandate

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! This morning, CMS dropped a proposed rule for a staffing mandate for SNFs. On Wednesday, I wrote about the delays (staffing mandate) and the information from a CMS contracted study completed by Abt and Associates. That post is here: The consensus around the staffing mandate issue is that CMS was bogged … Read more

Wednesday Feature: CMS SNF Staffing Mandate Stalled? The Abt Report on Feasibility…

Happy Hump Day! Another Wednesday with news too heavy to ignore. I’ll try to return to some levity and light in future Wednesday features. For a number of years, CMS has been playing with developing a staffing level mandate.  The first CMS study from 20 years ago recommended a 4.1 hours per day benchmark.  Recently, … Read more