Reducing MDRO Prevalence in Healthcare Facilities: The Impact of Chlorhexidine Bathing and Nasal Decolonization on Hospitalizations

I’m sure the first reaction to this title is, it’s an April Fool’s joke. This is not that. I know, I don’t really write on any deep clinical topics, for various reasons. First, I’m not qualified clinically (I read to stay B.S. proof and to help my wife’s work – clinical compliance). Second, my only … Read more

15 Days to Slow the Spread: Remembered

On March 16, 2020, the Trump Administration released guidelines in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the corresponding public health emergency. Four years later, much was learned, much was missed, much could have played-out different, and much remains to be reconciled. Today, four years later, we live with economic and societal ramifications from the public … Read more

COVID Assisted Living Claim in Virginia – Potentially Precedential

My work has me very attuned to litigation trends and in particular, COVID litigation. We are just beginning to see COVID litigation coming to a head with some interesting decisions. Within my firm (H2 Healthcare, LLC), is a practice focus headed by my wife. It involves clinical compliance and complex litigation support. She is considered one of, if … Read more