The Debate: Policy that Should be Discussed

Tonight’s presidential debate should be policy focused but likely, won’t be or won’t be with sufficient detail.  There are a ton of policy issues that should be discussed. Healthcare policy, in my opinion, should be very much a topic of open and frank discussion. I know I am a geek when it comes to economic … Read more

Kamala Harris “Likely” Health Policy

Now that it appears Kamala Harris will be the Democrat Presidential candidate, a look at her stance on various issues healthcare aka, her health policy, is timely.  Important to note at his juncture, however, is that candidate Harris has not taken clear stakes on many current healthcare issues as Vice President, her roles were more … Read more

Politics and Health Policy

Last week, the 2024 Presidential campaign season kicked into full swing with the first candidate debate. Arguably, momentum has been building ahead of the debate, especially in Iowa, during the State Fair, where candidates roamed, gave speeches, and pressed the flesh. I was there one day and enjoyed seeing Tim Scott and few other notables, … Read more