Senior Living/CCRC Risk Reduction and the Fair Housing Act

On Friday, I wrote about expanding litigation due to increasing resident care needs found in senior living, assisted and independent living. Specifically, the issue is primarily around “acuity creep” or residents aging in-place, in environments that may not have the staff and infrastructure to meet their advancing care needs. Friday’s post is here: I’ve … Read more

Value-Based Care: What it is and How it Can Work for Post-Acute Providers

I get asked about value-based care a lot. It is a buzzword or term these days, somewhat driven by the rise in Medicare Advantage enrollment. Frankly, it is a bit of a catch-all concept that has its origins in Medicare and various demonstration projects (e.g., bundled payments) and the implementation of quality measures to “improve … Read more

Friday Feature: Three Trends to Watch

TGIF! This Friday, I’m focusing on three trends that I think, will have a major impact on healthcare and senior living for the balance of the year and likely, at least the first half of 2024. These trends are in no particular order. Banking and Credit Struggles: This past week, the Federal Reserve provided some … Read more