InnovAge Fraud Litigation Expands

A Colorado federal judge last Wednesday certified a class of stockholders in a securities suit against InnovAge ( alleging the senior health care company made misleading statements in its initial public offering that later caused stock prices to fall post a government audit that exposed false statements. Three public pension funds based in Texas and … Read more

Value-Based Care: What it is and How it Can Work for Post-Acute Providers

I get asked about value-based care a lot. It is a buzzword or term these days, somewhat driven by the rise in Medicare Advantage enrollment. Frankly, it is a bit of a catch-all concept that has its origins in Medicare and various demonstration projects (e.g., bundled payments) and the implementation of quality measures to “improve … Read more

Value-Based Care: Why it Matters, or Should, for Post-Acute Providers

Value-Based Care is kind of a vogue term, one that I encounter quite often. I also have used it when speaking or writing and know most people have no idea what it means or how it can be developed and/or applied. Value-based care is not a new concept. Medicare tried a foray into it back … Read more

Post-Acute Providers and Narrow Networks: Join, Form or Wait

As alternative payment models expand and the options clarify, the post-acute segment of the health care spectrum faces a series of strategic questions, primarily; Join a network that exists or is forming be it part of an ACO, a SNP, a preferred provider organization in a Managed Medicaid state, or part of a bundled payment initiative … Read more