Unprecedented Spike in Cancer Deaths: New Study Reveals Alarming Trend – Friday Feature

TGIF! I’m going to take the bulk of my day today away from work. I’m hoping to spend the afternoon with my wife, running errands and then catching dinner somewhere. Before I step away, an interesting article on increased cancer deaths between 2021 and 2022 caught my attention. In doing a bit of research, an … Read more

Friday Feature: The Economic Impact in Aging Countries

TGIF! The U.S. is aging. Its median age is 37.7, just behind China’s median age of 37.9. Comparatively, the U.S. would be considered young in relationship to Japan where the median age is 48.4. While it is true that the Japanese have a longer life expectancy than the average American (84.6 years vs. 77.29 years), … Read more

Friday Feature: Senior Living Litigation Watch: Risks at CCRCs/Independent Living

Among the many topical areas I watch in health care, I pay particular attention to liability and litigation. As frequent readers/followers know, my firm, H2 Healthcare, LLC, focuses a practice area on clinical compliance and litigation support. My wife and the firm’s Senior Partner is one of the foremost experts (nationally) in litigation support and … Read more