Private Equity and Hospital Assets

According to a recent JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) research letter private equity firms invested $505 billion in healthcare acquisitions from 2018 to 2023. These financial infusions can enhance resources for care. However, these firms have occasionally sold the land and buildings of acquired hospitals, using the proceeds to repay investors and leaving … Read more

The Dark Side of the Economy

On Monday, a good portion of the U.S. saw all or portions of a total eclipse. If you were in the “zone of totality”, you saw a heck of a show and witnessed the side-effects of day turning to dark and the weather turning noticeably colder. Cool stuff. Unfortunately, within the past week or so, … Read more

Wednesday Feature: Lending Trends Still Reflecting a Tight Capital Environment

Happy Hump Day! The National Investment Center released its third quarter 2023 lending trends report and while the data is a bit old, it is reflective of current market conditions. The report is available here: NIC_Lending__Trends_Report_3Q2023 Suffice to say since I last provided an update on this subject area, things have not improved.  Capital access … Read more

Mid-Year Update: The Economy and Capital Markets

Just a tick early as mid-year officially won’t occur until this Saturday with the second quarter officially ending, Friday. This said, not much is likely to change the current status between now and Friday or for that matter, any time soon. The first half of 2023 can be summed up through a look at two … Read more