Preventing Falls in Seniors: Key Interventions Revealed by JAMA Study

Earlier this week, JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) published a summary article on interventions to prevent/reduce falls in community-based (non-institutionalized) seniors.  The core focus of the article is about preventing falls in seniors. The article is available here: jama fall prevention in older adullts As regular readers know, I don’t write a great deal … Read more

Marketing to Fit the Times

Over the years that I have been consulting, writing this blog, contributing to various publications, newsletters, podcasts, etc., I have tried to impress industry folks to stay connected to the current times in terms of marketing. By this I mean, don’t lose sight of what is going on in the world around you, locally, nationally, … Read more

Friday Feature: Affordability of Senior Living and Services

TGIF and Happy Hanukkah (to my Jewish colleagues and friends)! A major concern as the demographic in the U.S. ages is senior housing and services affordability. The expanding cohort of seniors in terms of real purchasing power, is not as financially fit as prior generations. The Baby Boomers for example, while well paid in their … Read more

Quality and Quantity of Life for Seniors, in Senior Housing

Since my first years in senior housing and health care, and my work way back when with Alwyn Powell (AV Powell, AV Powell and Associates), I have been fascinated by the aging journey in care settings – lengths of stay, health care utilization, quality of life and quantity of life. I’ve supported numerous research studies … Read more