The Politics of Population and Immigration

Followers know that I don’t write much about politics, staying pretty straight-forward on health policy and economics topics. A little diversion occurs today, but honestly, not much. We are after all, in an election cycle and thematically (the title), demographics will be center stage but likely, for the wrong reasons. As I watch the election … Read more

Wednesday Feature: Econ Rollercoaster

Happy Hump Day! This will drop before the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee announces its decision on interest rates today. Prediction: Rates will remain unchanged. The Fed will be a bit hawkish however, about rate policy reminding everyone that they are poised, if necessary, to hike rates to fight inflation. Thus, the title for today … Read more

Wednesday Feature -The Soaring Price of Care: How Retirement Costs are Reaching New Heights

Happy Hump Day! Today’s post is shorter than normal as I have to attend a funeral on behalf of one of my partners (also a very close, close friend). His mom passed away recently, and the service is today. She was a wonderful woman, mom, wife, and grandmother and she will be missed by all who knew … Read more

Friday Feature: The Economic Impact in Aging Countries

TGIF! The U.S. is aging. Its median age is 37.7, just behind China’s median age of 37.9. Comparatively, the U.S. would be considered young in relationship to Japan where the median age is 48.4. While it is true that the Japanese have a longer life expectancy than the average American (84.6 years vs. 77.29 years), … Read more

How Much is Enough? Deficits, Debt, and a Look Into the Future

Lately, I’ve gotten quite a bit of 70s (1970s) deja vu. Yes, I’m old enough to vividly remember the 70s as I crossed the decade as a teenager, graduating high school and almost, college. If one has my memories, the 70s were pretty turbulent times, analogous to now. In 1973, Israel and the Arab (Egypt … Read more

Wednesday Feature: Insanity

Happy Hump Day! Every once in a while, I feel the need to rant, if just a bit. Personally, it’s like an exorcism of pent-up frustration. Since this blog is mine and I am the author, editor, chief cook, and bottlewasher, I get a certain license to write stuff that I feel is important. I … Read more

Politics and Health Policy

Last week, the 2024 Presidential campaign season kicked into full swing with the first candidate debate. Arguably, momentum has been building ahead of the debate, especially in Iowa, during the State Fair, where candidates roamed, gave speeches, and pressed the flesh. I was there one day and enjoyed seeing Tim Scott and few other notables, … Read more